UI Fonts

Subtle, stylish, highly legible, and highly efficient, our UI fonts give you the option of having a more compact font for your device’s menu system. The FCC does not mandate the UI fonts, but some of our customers found them particularly useful. We don’t change extra for the UI fonts.

UI Narrow

It’s compact! Perfect for keeping your menus big and legible without running out of space.

Cinecav UI, a companion to the Cinecav closed caption font set

UI Narrow Italic

UI Narrow Italic is perfect for mild emphasis.

Cinecav UI, a companion to the Cinecav closed caption font set

UI Narrow Bold

UI Narrow Bold is another way to create emphasis. It’s also useful for making small type easier to see.

Cinecav UI, a companion to the Cinecav closed caption font set

UI Mono

UI Mono is useful for displaying tabular data. It’s good for program listings, prices…anything where vertical alignment is important. It blends very nicely with UI Narrow.

Cinecav UI, a companion to the Cinecav closed caption font set

UI Regular

UI Regular is a wider font for when space isn’t at a premium. It’s ideal for long blocks of text, headlines or titles. It’s similar to Sans but with more relaxed spacing and wider capitals.

Cinecav UI, a companion to the Cinecav closed caption font set