Our Mono font is a monospaced sans-serif font with similar proportions to popular monospaced fonts such as Letter Gothic*. Distinctive design techniques were employed to optimize legibility and optical harmony against the difficulties that monospacing creates. Please read the designer’s notes below to learn more.
Designer’s Notes
One of the problems font designers have to deal with when designing monospaced fonts is forcing wide letters like M and W into the same space as the rest of the alphabet and narrow letters like I. All monospaced sans-serif fonts deal with the extra space around the letter I by adding serifs and the M and W are “given the squeeze”. Unlike fonts designed for print, Mono has the additional challenge of retaining the M and W gaps. As you can see, I raised the middle on the M, dropped the middle of the W and made the lines nearly vertical, thereby retaining our M and W gaps and our onscreen clarity.